Para esta obra, tomé como punto de partida el concepto de la memoria como un tipo de historia propia que todos creamos en nuestra mente en relación al pasado. Quise crear una serie de imágenes que representasen la historia (con minúsculas) de mi abuela, a través de los libros que leyó a lo largo de su vida. Este libro en concreto, “La Regenta”, coincidiría con el capítulo 3 de su vida, durante el cual empieza a la universidad y tiene 4 hijos. Además introduzco el elemento del texto extraído del libro “Everything is illuminated” ya que al encontrar relación de algunos personajes de la novela con mi abuela, reflexioné sobre lo que era un libro y cómo la novela se inspira en la vida, y la vida en las novelas. El texto incorporado también funciona como elemento esencial para que la obra consiga una narrativa y linealidad propia. De esta forma conseguiría materializar un pasado “enterrado” que interpreto con mi propia forma de percibir la vida incluyendo mi propia bibliografía con la de esta figura que significa una gran influencia para mí.
"Argentina" paperback book, 14,8 x 21 cm (page 75)
"Argentina" paperback book, 14,8 x 21 cm (page 81)
"Argentina" paperback book, 14,8 x 21 cm (page 77)
"Argentina" paperback book, 14,8 x 21 cm (page 109)
For this work, I took as my starting point the concept of memory as a kind of history in itself that we all create in our mind in relation to the past. I wanted to create a series of images that represented the story (with small letters) of my grandmother, through the books she read throughout her life. This book in particular, "La Regenta", would coincide with the third chapter of her life, during which she starts university and has 4 children. In addition I introduce the element of the text extracted from the book "Everything is illuminated" since when finding a relation between some characters of the novel and my grandmother, I reflected on what a book was and how books are inspired by life, and life in books. The incorporated text also functions as an essential element for the work to achieve its own narrative and linearity. In this way, I would be able to materialize a "buried" past that I interpret with my own way of perceiving life, including my own bibliography with that of this figure that has been a great influence on me.